Master Plumbers' Association of Queensland (MPAQ) is the peak industry body representing plumbing contractors throughout Queensland, from sole operators to medium sized plumbing businesses and large contracting firms.
Check out this summary of the services, products, and support an MPAQ membership offers to support your business.
MPAQ holds various events throughout the year to provide valuable opportunities for the industry to develop professionally, make valuable connections with other industry individuals, advance themselves and their businesses and have the opportunity to have a voice with industry stakeholders.
MPAQ is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering accredited and non-accredited courses, assisting plumbers and gasfitters with their ongoing professional development.
Whether you're thinking about starting an apprenticeship, looking for a new job, or promoting a vacancy in your business, the MPAQ Careers Hub is where you need to be.
As the peak body representing Queensland’s plumbing industry, MPAQ plays an important role in positively supporting, enhancing, and protecting the industry.
Read the lastest news and articles from MPAQ, including industry updates, technical advice, and business guidance!
Brisbane South, Central • Full-time