Amendments To AS/NZS 5601 Gas Installations Published
Amendments to the Australian Standards AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 Gas Installations and AS/NZS 5601.2.2020 Gas Installations in Caravans and Boats for Non-Propulsive Purposes were published on 6 September 2024. The following is a general overview of the amendments.
AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 - Gas Installations
The Scope of the Standard has been changed in Clause 1.1.1 to allow the use of performance-based in section 2 for the following gases:
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen blended with Natural gas that does not meet the requirements of AS 4564.
- Hydrogen blended with LP gas that does not meet the requirements of AS 4670.
- Renewable LP Gas
- LP Gas blended with dimethyl ether (DME)
Changes to Normative references have been updated in Clause 1.2 and includes.
- AS 4629 replaced with AS 4629:2005 Automatic shut off valves and vent valves.
- AS/NZS 1869 replaced with AS 1869 – all parts.
- Added EN15266 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0.5 bar.
- Added 30652-1 Excess flow valves – Part 1: Excess flow valves for gas installations.
New definitions have been included for the following:
- Down-draught system/down-draught extractor system
- Overhead radiant heater
- Overhead radiant tube heater
- Patio heater
The term ‘gas appliance’ has been changed throughout the Standard with the removal of the word ‘gas’ from prefacing the word ‘appliance’ as the term is already indicating that it is an assembly that uses gas.
Notes have been added to Clause 1.4 to include links to Workplace health and Safety.
Clause 2.1.4 General has been deleted and a new Clause inserted to cover performance requirements for gas installations.
The text in Clause has been deleted and replaced with updated requirements for common flues.
Table 4.2 has been updated to add EN15266 for compliance with pliable corrugated stainless-steel pipe for operating pressures up to 50kPa, replacing BS7838.
In addition to mechanical fittings, EN15266 provides for the use of press fit end connectors that have ‘yellow’ HNBR elastomer ‘O’ ring seals.
The removal of the reference to ‘Flared compression’ in relation to jointing copper tube using an appropriate expanding tool.
The addition for consumer piping to be ‘metallic’ for at least 1 meter prior to exiting a wall where multi-layered pipe material is installed.
Table 4.8.1 updated to include Hose assemblies to AS1869 series.
Clause 5.2.10 updated to reference class ‘A’ safety shut off valve to AS 4629.1.
The addition of NOTE: referencing AS4629:2005
Clause 5.2:11 replaced to expand the provision of fire emergency isolation for multilayer pipe.
Figure 5.212 (a) replaced with a new figure clarifying the positioning for transition fittings.
Clause 5.3.1 the addition of items (h) Australia, and (j) New Zealand regarding prohibited locations for consumer piping.
Clause 5.9.1 updated to reference the AS1869 series.
Clause 6.2.4 additional information provided regarding space heaters. The addition of a NOTE: 3 referencing AS/NZS 5139 for information on clearances from appliances to battery systems and BESS.
Clause 6.7.6. additional information provided in the first paragraph with reference to clause The addition of a new NOTE 1: regarding industrial applications.
Clause 6.9.3 reference added to a flue terminal of a small gas engine appliance.
Clause the inclusion of additional requirements for down-draught extraction systems.
Clause removal of reference to AS4551.
Clauses and - Reference to AS 1869 updated to include AS 1869 series.
Clause – Title changed to include ‘other than a room sealed appliance’.
Clause 6.10.19 – The addition of a NOTE: 5 to allow for a performance base design solution where combustion products cannot be readily dispersed.
Content has been added to Appendix A (Normative) regarding Location of flue terminals for small gas engine driven appliances with the addition of a Figure 1A and a Table A.1
Figure L.1.2.2 – Exclusion Zones for gas Regulators have been updated. The height from ground level is now 1500mm.
The Bibliography has been updated to reflect current referenced documents.
AS/NZS 5601.2:2020 – Caravans and Boats
The term ‘gas appliance’ has been changed throughout the Standard with the removal of the word ‘gas’ from prefacing the word ‘appliance’ as the term is already indicating that it is an assembly that uses gas.
AS/NZS 1869 replaced with AS 1869 – all parts.
Addition of Normative references to:
- AS/NZS 1167.1 Welding and Brazing.
- EN14324 Brazing.
Clause 1.3.38 Change to the definition of a Hazardous Area.
Inclusion of a new definition of a Living Space – CL 1.3.72.
Additional Note 4 – explanation of the term ‘Durable’, added to CL 3.1.8.
Inclusion of new Figure 3.1.8 (E) – Effect of a vapour barrier on the measurement of distances.
Table – Materials for piping systems in caravans and boats has been updated and replaced with addition content.
Clause 6.3.2 is deleted and replaced with extensive detail regarding stowing or covering appliances.
Clause 7.1, CL 7.2 and CL 7.3.1 updated to include the term a ‘living space’ for ventilation purposes.
Clause 7.3.1 Changes to Notes 1, 2, and 3:
- Note 1 now references a ‘room sealed appliance’.
- Note 2 added.
- Existing Note 2 is now note 3, Note 3 now Note 4, Note 4 now note 5 and, added Notes 6 and 7.
A Figure 7.3.1 added
Text edits to CL 7.3.2 and CL 7.4.1
Expanding of CL 7.4.3 to reference a ‘living space’ and the inclusion of requirements ‘carbon monoxide detectors’ under certain conditions.
Appendix C, Clause 6.4 Changed to ‘Type B’
Additional references added to Bibliography.
Access to the full text of the AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 and AS/NZS 5601.2.2020 and the amendments are available at no cost to MPAQ members. Click below to register for access.
Members can call the MPAQ Technical Team at 07 3273 0800 for further questions.